Informative representation of molecules is a crucial prerequisite in AI-driven drug design and discovery. Pharmacophore information including functional groups and chemical reactions can indicate molecular properties, which have not been fully exploited by prior atom-based molecular graph representation. To obtain a more informative representation of molecules for better molecule property prediction, we propose the Pharmacophoric-constrained Heterogeneous Graph Transformer (PharmHGT). We design a pharmacophoric-constrained multiviews molecular representation graph, enabling PharmHGT to extract vital chemical information from functional substructures and chemical reactions. With a carefully designed pharmacophoric-constrained multi-view molecular representation graph, PharmHGT can learn more chemical information from molecular functional substructures and chemical reaction information. Extensive downstream experiments prove that PharmHGT achieves remarkably superior performance over the state-of-the-art models the performance of our model is up to 1.55% in ROC-AUC and 0.272 in RMSE higher than the best baseline model) on molecular properties prediction. The ablation study and case study show that our proposed molecular graph representation method and heterogeneous graph transformer model can better capture the pharmacophoric structure and chemical information features. Further visualization studies also indicated a better representation capacity achieved by our model.